Nicola Warran Reflexology & Holistic Therapies for Bromley & Beckenham

Reflexology for Menopause

Reflexology for Menopause

Peri Menopause can begin anywhere from about the age of 40, sometimes even earlier if someone has been through treatment for cancer for example or had a hysterectomy at a young age. Most women have no idea that their symptoms are pre-menopausal and put them down to their busy lives.

These symptoms can include anything from joint pain, hot sweats, anxiety, broken sleep, skipped periods, heavier periods, breast pain, exhaustion, restless legs. As women reach their forties, oestrogen will start to decline. There will be a scramble of fluctuating hormonal activity, quite possibly for the next 10 years or so! Combine this with full time working, looking after children, often caring for older parents and this can be quite a stressful time for a woman to go through. Stress hormones can end up in a state of perpetual fight or flight.

This period is a massive transition time and time to take care of yourself.

What can I do to help myself?

A healthy diet, low in sugar and inflammatory foods.
Gentle exercise, walking, yoga, pilates, swimming
Deep Breathing Exercises
Reduce Alcohol
Regular Reflexology to keep stress levels down
A good supplement to support bone health as oestrogen levels decline then bone density can drop.

Vaginal Health and Microbiome Profile (Vaginal EcologiX)

The Menopausal Vagina !

Alongside my work with the Gastrointestinal Tract ( I regularly run a Vaginal Health and Microbiome Profile with clients. This can be particularly useful for clients going through menopause who suffer with recurrent infections such as UTI's, bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC/thrush), intersticial cystitis etc.

This is ground-breaking clinical tool which assesses the vaginal microbiome (bacteria and yeast) – a key ecosystem for female health.

Using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), this is the most technologically advanced vaginal microbiome profile to provide accurate analysis of the microbiota abundance, host inflammatory markers and pH.

If you are interested in running this profile the cost is £179. Please click here for a link to the test and a sample report.

Menopause Reflexology, Hot Stone Reflexology & Aromareflex . Hot stones

Hot Stone Reflexology

What is Hot Stone Reflexology ?

Hot stone reflexology relaxes the body at its deepest level by calming the senses, relaxing tense muscles and promoting relaxation.

I use hot basalt stones which help to increase circulation, increase toxin elimination, promote muscle relaxation and generally de-stress the body.

Hot stone reflexology is a wonderfully relaxing, calming treatment.

Is it Suitable for everyone?

Whilst Hot stone reflexology is generally suitable for most people, there are certain conditions where it is contra indicated. Please read these thoroughly before booking a treatment.

- Rheumatoid arthritis in the inflammation stage
- Tuberculosis
- Tumours
- Open wounds
- Bruises
- Broken skin, thrombosis or phlebitis
- Varicose veins or undetermined joint pain in the calf
- Osteoarthritis
- Cellulitis on the feet/legs
- Any skin condition aggravated by heat i.e. dermatitis
- Very papery, thin skin
- Chronic fatigue syndrome or other immune conditions where healing crisis may be too great, it is better to try short treatments of reflexology with me first to check for reactions.
- Epilepsy or Diabetes - please get your GP permission before trying the hot stone reflexology and bring me a copy of their letter.
- Heart disease or uncontrolled high blood pressure.

Is it safe for children ?

Yes, the treatment time would be shortened and the temperature of the stones reduced. It may be particularly beneficial for stress and anxiety brought on in teenage years through social pressures, exam pressures etc.

Is it safe in Pregnancy ?

The stones can be used safely during the second and third trimesters of Pregnancy. They are particularly beneficial for pre-conception stage.

Where is it done ?

I do not work mobile with the hot stones. The treatment is carried out in Bromley at my home.

What should I wear ?

Something comfortable and that you can pull up to the knee. Skinny jeans are not suitable!! Tracksuit trousers or similar would be ideal.

What is The price of a Hot Stone Reflexology Treatment ?

The treatment takes approximately an hour and costs £50.


Menopause Reflexology, Hot Stone Reflexology & Aromareflex . Aromaflex trained logo


What is Aromareflex ?

Aromareflex uses a carefully selected range of oils that are safe to use but also extremely beneficial.

After your consultation I will choose a blend individual to you and this will be applied throughout your Reflexology treatment. You will be given your blend pot to take home afterwards so that you can maximise the benefits of your session.

Treatment objectives for Aromareflex?

I will be working with Aromareflex with the following treatment objectives.

1) Relaxation for stress and sleep issues.
2) Reviving/exhaustion and tiredness.
3) Hormonal balancing
4) Muscular skeletal aches and pains
5) Immunity Boosting
6) Pregnancy (second and third trimesters)

Is it Suitable for everyone?

I will take a medical history so it is important to advise me of any conditions such as seizures, blood pressure problems or heart conditions. It is best to avoid the first trimester in pregnancy but other than that Aromareflex is perfectly safe to have.

Is it safe for children ?

The treatment is safe to use for children over 12. It may be particularly beneficial for stress and anxiety brought on in teenage years through social pressures, exam pressures etc.

Is it safe in Pregnancy ?

Aromareflex is perfectly safe to have in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. I will ensure the oils chosen are fully suitable for use during pregnancy.

What should I wear ?

Something comfortable and that you can pull up to the knee. Skinny jeans are not suitable!! Tracksuit trousers or similar would be ideal.

What is The price of the Aromareflex treatment ?

The treatment takes approximately an hour and costs £50.



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